Dragon sculpture illuminates Esplanade for Chap Goh Meh celebration

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IN anticipation of the upcoming state-level Chap Goh Meh celebration this Saturday, a grand display of a dragon sculpture has been erected at the Esplanade (Padang Kota Lama) tonight.

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Chap Goh Meh, also known as the Chinese Valentine’s Day, marks the 15th and final day of the Chinese New Year.

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Penang Tourism and Creative Economy (Petace) Committee chairman Wong Hon Wai, who officiated the lighting-up ceremony, explained that the dragon sculpture symbolises the zodiac of the year (Year of the Dragon).

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Wong explained that the dragon sculpture symbolises the zodiac of the year (Year of the Dragon).

“I am glad to see that the Lighting Ceremony today attracted numerous locals and tourists alike to come together and rejoice in the festivity.

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“The installation of this dragon sculpture is a continuous effort by my office, Petace, to showcase the vibrant side of Penang. It serves as a prelude to the approaching Chap Goh Meh celebration scheduled for Feb 24 (Saturday),” he said.

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Wong also urged the public to come together with their families to the state-level Chap Goh Meh celebration this Saturday, as there will be plenty of programmes and activities lined up starting from 5pm.


“This year Chap Goh Meh celebration not only embraces traditional customs but also integrates modern elements, showcasing the rich and diverse cultural charm of Penang.


“Visitors will be entertained by the diverse array of performances, including a multicultural drum performance, acrobatic lion dance on stilts, a Sichuan mask-changing act, cultural performance from Dondang Sayang Malay artistry, live band music, modern dance act from Euphoria Dance ensemble, international street buskers and much more,” said Wong.


Also present during the lighting-up ceremony were Seri Delima assemblyman Connie Tan Hooi Peng, Pengkalan Kota assemblyman Wong Yuee Harng, Penang Island City Council (MBPP) mayor Datuk A. Rajendran and Penang Global Tourism (PGT) chief executive officer Ooi Chok Yan.

Story by Riadz Akmal
Pix by Law Suun Ting