CM Chow encourages unity and tolerance for a peaceful society

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RESPECT and tolerance are essential in a society with diverse religious backgrounds, says Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow.


Speaking at the opening of the Wesak Day Float procession on Jalan Burma today, Chow emphasised that the Penang government has always supported religious freedom and development. He expressed hopes that every citizen of Penang can practise their religion in harmony.


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Chow trying to catch some of the flower petals that were showered upon him and other dignitaries during the Wesak Day Float procession.


Chow reiterated that achieving peace is not just an individual effort but requires collective participation and cooperation. He stated that in families, schools, communities and even at the national level, everyone needs to promote the concept of peace to resolve conflicts and build a more harmonious society.


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Chow says religious groups must cooperate and resist all forms of extremism.


“Although we Malaysians live among different races and religions, we tolerate and respect each other. As a result, this makes other countries very envious of us.


“Nevertheless, in recent years, encounters of religious extremism have often disrupted social peace and harmony. This has become a concern not only on a state level but also on the national front.


“The efforts of the state government alone are not enough. Therefore, religious groups must cooperate and resist all forms of extremism, and continue to work alongside the state government for a harmonious and prosperous Penang.


“I believe that all religions preach peace and wisdom to their congregations. In this rapidly changing world, peace and wisdom should not only be our pursuits but must be comprehended as valuable assets that need to be passed on to the next generation.


“As the Chief Minister of Penang, I believe that leaders in every society must possess wisdom in facing any difficulties to face them calmly,” Chow said during his speech.


He also expressed his gratitude to the members of the organising committee for their tireless efforts in organising this year’s Wesak Day celebration, including the participation of various Buddhist groups in the Wesak Day Float procession.


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Young devotees donning raincoats as they take part in the Wesak Day Float procession.

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Organising chairman Datuk Loh Hock Hun said today’s Wesak Day celebration was an auspicious occasion to commemorate the 2,568th anniversary of the passing away of Buddha.


“We celebrate this propitious occasion to strengthen the faith of all Buddhist devotees and at the same time to propagate the preaching of Lord Buddha which is aimed at guiding human beings to perform good deeds, to seek the truth, and be selfless, serving mankind.


“As respectful human beings, we should be more caring and compassionate to one another and show more respect for each other to achieve better mutual understanding and co-exist harmoniously in this world,” Loh said during his speech.


Loh’s message resonated perfectly with the theme of this year’s Wesak Day Celebrations, ‘Living Harmoniously, Thriving Society’.


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Cheque presentation to four charitable organisations: Penang Pure Lotus Society Hospice of Compassion, Persatuan Kebajikan Than Hsiang Wan Ching Yuen Pulau Pinang, the National Cancer Society of Malaysia, Penang Branch, and Pusat Kanak Kanak Istimewa Pulau Pinang.


The event also saw the organisers presenting mock cheques of RM2,000 each to four charitable organisations: Penang Pure Lotus Society Hospice of Compassion, Persatuan Kebajikan Than Hsiang Wan Ching Yuen Pulau Pinang, the National Cancer Society of Malaysia, Penang Branch, and Pusat Kanak Kanak Istimewa Pulau Pinang.


Chow, Loh and other dignitaries later joined the devotees for a short walk after inaugurating the event. At one stretch of the walk, young devotees standing on both sides of the road showered them with flower petals.


Among those present were Venerable Jit Heng, president of Malaysian Buddhist Association; Datuk Seri Dr Lim Huat Bee, patron of Penang Wesak Celebrations Committee; Datuk Seri Choon Ewe Seng, vice-chairman of the Penang Wesak Celebrations Committee, state executive councillors Lim Siew Khim and Wong Hon Wai; Wong Yi Hao, representative of Tanjong MP Lim Hui Ying, who is also the Deputy Finance Minister; Pengkalan Kota assemblyman Wong Yuee Harng, Chow’s political secretary Lau Keng Ee, and Penang Women’s Development Corporation chief executive officer Datuk Ong Bee Leng.


Others present included Kawaguchi Yoshiyasu, consul-general of Japan in Penang; Suratchaya Palawongse, deputy consul-general of Thailand in Penang; Ven Boon Kheng, former Supervisory Committee Chairman of Malaysian Buddhist Association; Ven Ji Zun, honorary secretary of Malaysia Buddhist Association; Ven Phramaha Karoon, vice-president of Watnai Thai Buddhist Temple and Ven Dhammawansha Thero, chief monk of Mahindarama Buddhist Temple.


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Loh chatting with Chow as they and other dignitaries join the Wesak Day Float procession.


The gentle rain that fell for about 30 minutes before the procession started was akin to a shower of blessings to the thousands of devotees present. Many came prepared with raincoats and umbrellas. Twenty-three floats took part in the 7km procession.


The participants included devotees from various Buddhist groups, students from different schools, and others.


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Young devotees at the Wesak Day Float procession. Below: A woman praying for blessings.

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Story by K.H. Ong

Pix by Law Suun Ting

Video by Alissala Thian