Cheers for children from Shan’s Home, Prai


Story and Pix by Chan Lilian

EIGHTEEN children from Shan Children’s Home in Prai were invited to Mt. Miriam Cancer Hospital for a Christmas party and feted to games, foods and presents on Dec 12.

Mt. Miriam’s Chief Executive Officer, Tham Wei Wei told Buletin Mutiara that this is the 10th year the staff members of Mt. Miriam spread the Christmas cheer to the underprivileged.


The children listening to the story of the birth of Jesus which is the essence of Christmas.

“We have chosen Shan Children’s Home from Prai because they receive relatively less support from the community than those on the island. Therefore we arranged transport to fetch them from Taman Indrawasih to our hospital and lavish them with gifts and love,” Tham said.

Members of the public who are interested to help Shan Children’s Home may contact their administrator Madam Saras Pillay at 019-4714917. The home has 20 children from age 7-20 years old. Two of the children are in college while the rest are in school. They need about RM7,000 per month to run the home and depends on the generosity of the public.