Fusionex becomes Platinum sponsor, technology partner for WCIT2022

DATA technology provider Fusionex has stepped forward to be a Platinum sponsor for the upcoming World Congress on Information Technology 2022 (WCIT2022), which will be held in Penang.


The multi-award-winning company has pledged to provide an end-to-end WCIT2022 online platform and application, which will feature a comprehensive system to manage delegate registration, payment gateways, online event management, business lead-retrieval, business matching, onsite check-ins, and others.


The sponsorship by a Platinum sponsor is over RM1.5 million.


Fusionex Group chief executive officer Datuk Seri Ivan Teh said that Fusionex is Malaysia’s homegrown brand.


Teh speaks to Buletin Mutiara after the meeting in Komtar.


“We have offices in many countries. So, when this international event is scheduled to be held in Penang, Malaysia, we are very excited to be part of it.


“When the National Tech Association of Malaysia (Pikom) approached us to be a sponsor, we stepped forward without hesitation. We want to see this event a success!” Teh told Buletin Mutiara after attending the third WCIT2022 steering committee meeting in Komtar recently.


Pikom is the organiser of the WCIT2022.


WCIT is known as the Olympics of the world’s information technology conferences. WCIT 2022 Malaysia is set to be the gateway to Southeast Asia while connecting the world. It is a definitive global event for technology businesses.


The 26th edition of the WCIT will be held in Penang from Sept 13 to 15. It promises a power-packed three-day event showcasing the future of technology across various sectors including education, health and lifestyle, food, cybersecurity, agriculture, entrepreneurship, and others.


Another main feature of WCIT2022 is the 10-day Penang Techfest, which will be taking place from Sept 8 to 18. Penang Techfest will feature headlines that include 5G zone with autonomous vehicle testing, street eSports, HealthTech, smart cities, SpaceTech, and the multiverse.


Chow (centre) looking at the mock cheque after the mock cheque presentation ceremony between Fusionex and Pikom. With him are (from left) state executive council member Zairil Khir Johari, Dr Seah, Teh and state executive council member Jagdeep Singh Deo.


Teh said Fusionex aimed at making the whole WCIT2022 experience as seamless as possible, with their online platform.


“The audiences, both physical and international, need a platform that can support both the online and offline approach.


“There will be many events and activities such as pitching sessions, videos, business matching, and exhibitions. Some will also be done virtually because we have international audiences.


“There are also delegates who need to make bookings for accommodation and transportation. There will also be logistic arrangements on the ground.


“So, when we provide this platform, we want it to be as seamless as possible to cater to the needs of those from different parts of the world.


“The WCIT is about connecting the dots between the buyers and the sellers from different countries, breaking the barriers and geographical boundaries,” he said.


Penang Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow said that the sponsorship by Fusionex could not have come at a better time.


“This year marks the 50th anniversary of Penang, celebrating its industrialisation journey.


“We are thrilled that WCIT 2022 will not only take place in Penang but is being backed by the largest Big Data Analytics company and a market leader in Asean,” he said.


Pikom chief executive officer Ong Kian Yew said the online platform was planned to be in two parts – the website and an app.


“The full website portal will include delegate registration, streaming services, and others.


“The delegates can download the app and check in conferences,” he said in general, adding that ideas to include special deals and tourist attractions were being considered.


Pikom chairman Dr Sean Seah said the WCIT2022 looked promising as compared to two years ago.


“We were supposed to organize the WCIT in 2020, however, we had no choice but to postpone it due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The situation was different then as there were many uncertainties and the number of cases was high.


“There is no plan to postpone the WCIT this year. And we believe that WCIT2022 will be bigger than WCIT2021 Bangladesh,” he said.


Dr Seah takes a photo next to the WCIT2022 promotional bunting.


Dr Seah, who is also the World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (Witsa) deputy chairman, said Pikom would be promoting the WCIT2022 Malaysia to the association members and welcoming them to visit Penang, Malaysia.


“We are targeting about 4,000 virtual and physical visitors,” he said.




Story by Christopher Tan

Pix by Alissala Thian