GET Programme essential to nurture talents in Science and Technology


PENANG Science Cluster’s initiative, ‘Girls in Engineering and Technology’ (GET) Programme, is instrumental in nurturing talents in the science and technology field, says Deputy Chief Minister II Jagdeep Singh Deo.


Jagdeep, who is also the state Human Capital Development, Science, and Technology Committee chairman, said that it is important to attract more students to pursue studies in the field of Science and Technology for their integral role in the ecosystem.


“For this year’s GET Programme, a total of 92 Form 4 students have graduated from the programme, and kudos to all of you! We hope you will later contribute to the industry.


“We also hope that all of you will move forward and become technicians, engineers and so on as well as reach high on the career ladder.


“This programme (GET) is extremely important, as we have the industry players supporting it,” Jagdeep said during his speech at the GET’s graduation ceremony held at Keysight Technologies on Oct 7.


Jagdeep said that a total of 217 Form Four students have graduated from the GET Programme in three years and he hoped that it will be expanded to other states as well.


“The state government will always support the initiative and we hope that the number of students participating in the programme will increase over the years,” he added.


Also present were Deputy Education Minister Lim Hui Ying, state Youth, Sports and Health Committee chairman Daniel Gooi, GET Programme patron Datuk Noorashidah Ahmad and other dignitaries.

Story by Tanushalini Moroter

Pix courtesy of YB Jagdeep’s office