Special treat for single mums


FIFTY-SIX single mothers in Pulau Tikus had a pleasant surprise on Mother’s Day when Pulau Tikus assemblyman Chris Lee and the Village Community Management Councils (MPKKs) in Pulau Tikus visited them, bearing gifts.

Lee and the team members handed out gift bags containing Ayamas chicken (whole chicken) and snacks to the single mothers.

Lee together with Bangkok Lane MPKK chairman Babjan Ibrahim and his team visited the Kelawai Flats and distributed gift bags to the single mothers living there on May 12.

Lee in a group picture with some of the MPKK members in Pulau Tikus constituency before going on the ground distributing the ‘gift bags’

The MPKKs handed out the gift bags at Pantai Molek (27 recipients), Gurney Drive (two recipients), Midland Berjaya (seven recipients), Kelawai (six recipients), Bangkok Lane (12 recipients), Kampung Heriot (one recipient) and Kebun Nyiur / Kampung Sireh (one recipient).

Lee said single mothers had to strive to beat the odds to raise their children.

“While we remember the sacrifices of our mothers, let us also help those who are less fortunate who have sacrificed a lot to raise their children to be the best they can be,” Lee said.

Lee with the Pulau Tikus JPWK members distributing dates

Earlier in the morning, Lee along with Pulau Tikus Women and Family Development Committee (JPWK) members distributed dates to the residents at Kampung Herriot in conjunction with the fasting month.


Story by Tanushalini Moroter