Advocating peace through arts

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ART is a powerful medium to express one’s feelings or ideas. As such, the ‘Opposing War, Advocating Peace: The Artistic Mission of Lin Xiang Xiong’ art exhibition sends a strong message of choosing peace over war to the world.


Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow, who attended the opening ceremony of the exhibition at Lin Xiang Xong Art Gallery, The Light Waterfront today, emphasised that peace should never be seen as merely an option, but rather as an everlasting resolution.


At the event, Chow praised Prof Lin Xiang Xiong, who serves as the president of Space Arts and Culture (M) Sdn Bhd and is also an accomplished artist, for his over 60 years of dedicated contributions to the arts.


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“The recent war between Israel and Palestine has resulted in immeasurable loss of life and suffering, particularly among innocent civilians.


“Prof Lin’s artworks deeply reflect and resonate with these tragic realities.


“They serve as a reminder that everlasting peace is built through collective efforts rather than unilateral actions.


“I hope that Prof Lin’s artworks will awaken consciousness and advocate peace,” Chow said.


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Chow also shared that he looks forward to seeing the completion of the Lin Xiang Xong Art Gallery, which is currently under construction.


Meanwhile, Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board deputy chairman Datuk Yeoh Soon Hin said art transcends economic interests and enhances our cultural literacy and social awareness.


“Art is more than just about making profits.


“It has the power to change how people think and see the world, and to bring about social progress and harmony in urban life.


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“A country or city filled with an artistic atmosphere can attract not only talents and tourists but also enhance its international image, promote cultural exchanges, and development within society,” Yeoh said.


Yeoh also urged everyone to treasure the harmony that exists among our diverse ethnicities, learn from history, value peace, and maintain a spirit of inclusivity and harmony.


Prof Lin said he has created nearly 200 to 300 artworks of ‘anti-war’ throughout his artistic career.


“I hope to change human behaviour through human thoughts.


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“Because war originates in the minds of individuals, it is also in the minds of individuals that the foundations of peace must be built,” Prof Lin said.


Story by Tanushalini Moroter

Pix by Muhamad Amir Irsyad Omar